September 2023 wrap-up

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September 30, 2023

Tags: 2023, News, September, Updates, Wrap-up

Hey, everyone! This is the first post of what I hope becomes a tradition of monthly wrap-ups. I've already been doing these on Twitter for a while, so if you know me from there you've probably seen one of these already. It'll include:

  • News
  • Stats
  • Sales data
  • October goals

Without further ado...


There's only one bit of news, but it's a big one: This month a story of mine got published! To be more accurate, a short story (titled "Iteration") which got published in a Brazilian collection, "Clube Planetário". If you can read Portuguese, you may find more details here.


September has been quite the productive month for me. I have:

  • Finished rewrites on WIP #1 (roughly 13K words this month);
  • Translated the (now published) short story to English (roughly 5.4K words);
  • Revised 26 chapters from WIP #1.

Wanna know what WIP #1 is about? Click here.

Sales data:

Sales-wise, September was a pretty meh month. Only one sale, 0 KENP reads. I know the fault lies squarely with me for being a terrible salesman (sorry, not sorry), and I greatly appreciate the one sale I made. Thank you, whoever you are! I hope you enjoy the read!

But, on a happier note, Coward got two new reviews! Wanna check them out?

October goals:

For those unfamiliar with my schedule, I've been working on WIP #1, almost exclusively, since May. This month has been spent almost entirely working on it, and so will the next, I'm afraid.

Still, the finish line looms ever closer, and I just might get it ready for beta readers this month. And if I do, I'll probably start a new WIP in November so that I can participate in NaNoWriMo. Or, more likely, in SandoWriMo if it happens, lol. Fingers crossed!

The end:

That's it, everyone! Thanks to anyone who read this far, and I hope you have a good October. See ya!


June 2024 wrap-up

Monthly post with June 2024 update, sales data, and future goals.

July 01, 2024

April 2024 wrap-up

Monthly post with April 2024 update, sales data, and future goals.

April 30, 2024

March 2024 wrap-up

Monthly post with March 2024 update, sales data, and future goals.

March 31, 2024

February 2024 wrap-up

Monthly post with February 2024 stats, sales data, and future goals.

February 29, 2024

Copyright © 2023, Ayrton Silva