October 2023 wrap-up

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October 31, 2023

Tags: 2023, News, October, Updates, Wrap-up

Hello again, folks! Wrap-up time. As usual, we'll have:

  • Stats
  • Sales data
  • November goals

Let's go!


October has not been a very productive month, but I still got quite a bit done. I have:

  • Finished revising WIP #1 (33 chapters);
  • Written some new scenes and tweaked others (~9K words).

Not quite finished, but close!

Sales data:

Sales-wise, October was a very good month. I got several sales, and a LOT of free downloads. Those were all in the Brazilian version, as there was an event for which I put the book for free, and look at these results:

  • 6 paid orders;
  • 2094 free downloads!

I also got 2 KENP reads, which seems to be the average (lol).

As for the ratings and reviews department, I got one new review at the very start of the month, hit 15 ratings on Goodreads, and got two new ratings for the Brazilian version on Amazon!

Current score:

  • English version: 19;
  • Brazilian version: 8;
  • Goodreads: 15.

Neat, huh?

November goals:

For November, I'll probably start drafting a whole new project... which you can read about on my Twitter, as I'll talk about it a lot over there. WIP #1 is almost ready for betas, which will leave me free to pursue other projects while they get back to me. We'll probably get back to the ordinary schedule in December.

The end:

Aaaand that's it. My thanks to everyone who read it this far. A good November to you all! Bye!


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Monthly post with June 2024 update, sales data, and future goals.

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Monthly post with April 2024 update, sales data, and future goals.

April 30, 2024

March 2024 wrap-up

Monthly post with March 2024 update, sales data, and future goals.

March 31, 2024

February 2024 wrap-up

Monthly post with February 2024 stats, sales data, and future goals.

February 29, 2024

Copyright © 2023, Ayrton Silva