November 2023 wrap-up

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November 30, 2023

Tags: 2023, News, November, Updates, Wrap-up

Hello, everyone! Once again, it's wrap-up time, with the usual topics:

  • Stats
  • Sales data
  • December goals


No revising done in November, as my primary WIP is with beta readers, but I did finish outlining (and started drafting) a new WIP, drafting a total of 21K words. I really vibed with my writing this month, which, of course, has felt awesome.

The new WIP is far from finished, and I totally failed NaNoWriMo, but that's life. Maybe next year it'll work out!

Sales data:

Sales-wise, November was an okay month. I got one sale (thank you, whoever you are!), and, as usual, zero KENP reads.

In the ratings and reviews department, however, I did great! I got two new reviews, and three new ratings both on Goodreads *and* Brazilian Amazon!

Current score:

  • English version: 19;
  • Brazilian version: 11;
  • Goodreads: 18.

Special thanks to Jamedi, who has an incredible review of Coward on his website. Click here to check it out!

December goals:

Since my primary WIP is still with betas, and NaNo is over, I've decided to go back to WIP #2 and start editing it while I wait for the betas' feedback. It's a novella, so I should be able to get a good amount of work done on it.

WIP #2, for those who don't know yet, is a story about a hapless banker who makes a deal with a sketchy deity after his boss tries to have him killed. It has chaotic, luck-based magic, a dystopic society, and a morally challenged MC. I aim to release it sometime next year!

The end:

That's it for now, folks. My thanks to everyone who read it this far, and a good December to you! See ya!


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Monthly post with June 2024 update, sales data, and future goals.

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April 2024 wrap-up

Monthly post with April 2024 update, sales data, and future goals.

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March 2024 wrap-up

Monthly post with March 2024 update, sales data, and future goals.

March 31, 2024

February 2024 wrap-up

Monthly post with February 2024 stats, sales data, and future goals.

February 29, 2024

Copyright © 2023, Ayrton Silva