January 2024 wrap-up

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January 31, 2024

Tags: 2024, January, News, Updates, Wrap-up

Hello again, friends! It's wrap-up time (albeit a short one this time), and here are the month's topics:

  • Stats
  • Sales data
  • February goals


My writing this month has gone mostly smoothly. To situate you, I'm currently working on WIP #2, 153 pages long. I finished the last round of revisions in the English version, fully translated it to Portuguese, and am now revising the Portuguese version. Quite a bit of work, huh?

If you wanna know what WIP #2 is all about, you can see it here.

Sales data:

January was an excellent month, as far as sales go. 3 units ordered, and 154 pages read on KU, which means at least 3 other people have read Coward! This kind of stuff warms my heart, and if you're one of the readers, thank you!

Unfortunately, as far as ratings and reviews go, January was a *weird* month. Two ratings and one review simply disappeared from US Amazon. Conversely, Coward got no less than FIVE new ratings on Brazilian Amazon, bumping me up to 22, which is simply bonkers.

Current score:

  • English version: 17;
  • Brazilian version: 22;
  • Goodreads: 20.

February goals:

My goal for February is to completely wrap-up the Portuguese version of my current project, then tackle the final stages before publishing: getting a cover artist, proof readers, and so on. Things have gone SO well this month that I'm starting to think publishing in May might be possible.

Since that is still a long ways off, I won't make empty promises about my other projects. I'll get to them when I can, and that probably won't be in February. But I'll get there!

The end:

Guess that's it for now. Thanks for reading, and happy February!


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Copyright © 2023, Ayrton Silva