February 2024 wrap-up

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February 29, 2024

Tags: 2024, February, News, Updates, Wrap-up

Hey everyone! Another month ends, and here's the usual wrap-up post. Topics:

  • Sales data
  • Stats
  • March goals

Sales data:

Sales-wise, February was another excellent month. Four units ordered, and 152 pages read on KU, so (again) a rough equivalent to three reads of Coward! Last year I've had very few reads on KU, so it's incredible that it's getting more traction now! Thank you!

As far as ratings and reviews go, February also knocked my socks off. I got TWO new ratings both on Amazon US *and* on Goodreads, and a brand new review at The Empty Bookshelf!

Current score:

  • Brazilian Amazon: 22 ratings;
  • US Amazon: 19 ratings;
  • Goodreads: 22 ratings.


My writing this month went pretty well too, except for this last week. I finished translation and revisions on WIP #2, and it's now undergoing the pre-publication routine. I'll give official news as soon as I have the dates set.

If you wanna know what WIP #2 is all about, you can see it here.

WIP #1 is still with betas, so I'm working on something new for now (stay tuned), but I'll get back to it as soon as the last beta gets back to me!

Steps to completion include:

  • Small rewrites (actually small, this time)
  • Translation to Brazilian
  • Final round of revisions

If you wanna know what WIP #1 is all about, you can see it here.

March goals:

As you can see, my goal for March is to get as much work done as I can in the new WIP before WIP #1 gets back to me, and then get cracking on those steps. Another thing I have to figure out is whether I want to query for it, or self-pub. Either way, I'll let you guys know.

The end:

Aaaand that's it, for now. Thanks for reading, and happy March!


June 2024 wrap-up

Monthly post with June 2024 update, sales data, and future goals.

July 01, 2024

April 2024 wrap-up

Monthly post with April 2024 update, sales data, and future goals.

April 30, 2024

2023 wrap-up

Post with stats for December, as well as the entirety of 2023. Also has sales data and future goals.

December 31, 2023

November 2023 wrap-up

Monthly post with November 2023 stats, sales data, and future goals.

November 30, 2023

Copyright © 2023, Ayrton Silva